Paparazzi - My Story of Addiction
As a customer, I quickly became hooked on Paparazzi. The $5 accessories can be paired with simple attire to provide a stunning appearance. I've often thought about starting my lives with NO JEWELRY and putting it on at the start of my show. What a difference it truly makes!
Also, I used to spend lots of money on marked up costume jewelry at department stores, and found the items quickly broke, or wore out. The items from Paparazzi have been far better and priced affordably, so I could keep up with the latest fashion.
After buying so much Paparazzi jewelry from my consultant, she suggested I join her team, and eventually I did! I love what I sell, and my customers love it, too! If you haven't tried Paparazzi, or maybe were skeptical because the of the price - believe me when I say you will be impressed with these $5 pieces!